Paola Bellomi

Paola Bellomi,  December 10, 2018
paola|bellomi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Not present since
December 28, 2018
Temporary Assistant Professor

Paola Bellomi is specialised in Spanish Contemporary Literature. Her main research topics are Spanish Theatre and Narrative, Digital Literature and Digital Humanities with a sociocultural perspective. She is Principal Investigator in the national project SIR E.S.THE.R. Enquiry on Sephardic Theatrical Representation. She gained the "Gian Giacomo Drago e Fausta Rivera Drago Award 2014", awarded by the Istituto Lombardo – Accademia di Scienze e Lettere for remarkable research in Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures Area.

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  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

ESTHER Enquiry on Sephardic Theatrical Representation
The Research Team E.S.THE.R. will focus on the study of the Sephardic theatre in Italy, from its origins to the present.
Mambrino Project
MAMBRINO PROJECT deals with the continuations and translations of the Spanish chivalric novel in 16th century Italy. The corpus includes about fifty Italian prose novels. Publishes since 2013 the scientific journal "HISTORIAS FINGIDAS" classified by ANVUR in band A and annually organizes a seminar of the same title. Since 2018 Mambrino Project has signed an agreement with the European project READ Transkribus for research on character recognition in ancient books
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Spanish Literary Teaching SLT focusses on the theory and practice of the teaching of Spanish Literature and Culture. Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Fernando Arrabal Study of the Spanish author Fernando Arrabal: the man and the creative production. Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Iberian Digital Humanities Study of Iberian cultural production through the Digital Humanities' methodological approach. Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Sephardic and Conversos Literature Study of the literary and cultural production of Spanish Jews, Sephardim and Conversos (from Sepharad to diaspora). Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Spanish Contemporary Literature Contemporary Spanish literature generally refers to literature (Spanish poetry, prose, and drama) written in the Spanish language within the territory that presently constitutes the state of Spain. Its development coincides and frequently intersects with that of other literary traditions from regions within the same territory, particularly Catalan literature, Galician intersects as well with Latin, Jewish, and Arabic literary traditions of the Iberian peninsula. Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Letteratura Spagnola del Siglo de Oro . Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Rapporti tra Italia e Spagna nel Rinascimento Relazioni letterarie e artistiche tra la Spagna dell'epoca di Carlo V e Filippo II e il Rinascimento Italiano Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Spanish Critical Theory & Poetics
Iberian Cultural Studies Multidisciplinary studies of Iberian artistic and literary production through the Cultural Studies approaches. Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Iberian Gender Studies Study of the Iberian literary and artistic production through the lens of Women and Gender Studies theories (Feminism and LGBTQ movements). Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Iberian Trauma Studies Study of Iberian literary and artistic production through the Trauma Studies theories. In particular: Spanish Civil War period, Shoah representation and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Iberian and Hispanic-American literature
Romanic languages: Spanish
Title Starting date
ESTHER - Enquiry on Sephardic Theatrical Representation (SIR 2014, RBSI14IDE8) 9/23/15
teatro spagnolo contemporaneo 4/1/14
Per un museo virtuale del libro: informatica umanistica e libro antico spagnolo 5/1/13
Rapporti tra Spagna e Italia: il bilinguismo di Delicado 3/1/13
Intrecci testuali tra Italia e Spagna: ricezione,traduzioni, rifacimenti (BANDO PRIN 2008) 11/1/09
Procedimenti metaletterari nella letteratura spagnola 10/1/06
María Teresa León e la drammaturgia femminile degli anni Trenta 7/1/05
