Modules running in the period selected: 56.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Bioethics, Biolaw and Literature | Bioethics and biolaw are two philosophical approaches that address social tensions and conflicts caused by emerging bioscientific and biomedical research and their application. Literature deals with this topics especially in contemporary production. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Science Fiction / Literature & Science |
Law and the Body | The body is the focus of the social, legal, and cultural imagination and the privileged metaphor for specific cultural discourses and political practices. The Renaissance literature particularly echoes these topics. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Critical Theory & Poetics |
Equity: literary and juridical intersections | Equity is a protean concept that covers the fields of law, philosophy of law, and morality. In the history of human ideas the problem of equity has been inseparable from that of justice. This theme is re-echoed throughout English literature in particular in Shakespeare's plays. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Critical Theory & Poetics |
Iconology of the law in Literature | The project investigates the link between law, literature and the image. It aims to explore how the study of law and literature can be enhanced by a critical study of iconology. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Visual Arts & Image Studies |
The concept of power in the Renaissance | The link between words and images is at the basis of the semiotic texture of any culture. This theory can be explored by analyzing the connection between legal words and images in the representation of power in the Renaissance. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Theatre |
Contemporary detective fiction | In contemporary English literature, detective fiction develops according to two main trends which lead to a renewed expression of the founding tenets of the genre: the legal thriller, which posits at the centre of the investigation a specific aspect of the legal system of the society under consideration, and a psychoanalytic approach to criminality which underlines the dualism between the detective and the criminal. Numerous contemporary novels present a fusion between the two trends thus opening new perspectives on the social and individual investigation. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Crime |
Literature and the Performing Arts | The relationship between literature and the performing arts underlines is one of complementarity and interprets literary texts according to a multimodal perspective. The contemporary period presents original adaptations in this sense and creates a fruitful dialogue between these two artistic expressions that enriches the critical perspective on the cultural works under consideration. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Theatre |
Literature and the Visual Arts | The study of literature and visual arts is linked to the deep connection between words and images, telling and seeing. The visual aspects of literature, as well as the mutual illuminations of the two expressive modes, are related to the rhetorical and stylistic choices of authors. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Visual Arts & Image Studies |
Literature and dance | Literature and dance are two different artistic expression which differentiate themselves through their expressine medium, but which often enter into an interdisciplinary dialogue and establish a fruitful complementarity in their interpretation and revision of literary tradition. In particular, the ballets based on the Shakespearean texts represent original adaptations which create the atmosphere and introduce the main issues of the epoch. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Visual Arts & Image Studies |
Literature and medicine | The interdisciplinary study of literature and medicine highlights the constant dialogue between literature and society. What is the importance of literature to the field of medicine? The most relevant aspect in this study is the possibility of a cultural interpretation of medicine that examines how literature can contribute both to the philosophy of medicine and to medical practice. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Science Fiction / Literature & Science |
Shakespeare and the law | There is a flourishing production on Shakespeare featuring legal problems in the last twenty years. The Law and Literature movement, born in the United States, has given rise to an endelss re-interpretation of Shakespearean texts according to the many legal elements he discusses about. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Shakespeare |
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