The main aim of this course is to give an introduction to the study of Italian Literature through the direct analysis of a corpus of texts which are representative of a particularly important topic. Particular attention will be given to 15th and 16th century writers
part 1 (CFU 4: ore 24)
- History of the Italian literature, with particular attention to the literature of the 15th and 16th century.
Students have to study the following texts:
DANTE ALIGHIERI, Commedia, Inferno, canto XXXIII
Purgatorio canto XXXIII
Paradiso, canto XXIV
FRANCESCO PETRARCA, Canzoniere, n. 1-5; dall’Epistolario, Familiari IV, 1 (ascesa al monte ventoso); XIV, 3 (a Cicerone); Posteritati.
GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO, Decameron, giornata I 7 (Bergamino); IV, 1 (Tancredi); X 10 (Griselda).
UGO DOTTI, Storia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2007 (chapters 1-13, pp. 1-226).
The professor will prepare and anthology of the texts.
part 2 (CFU 4: ore 24)
- Writing letters in 15th: Felice Feliciano.
LEONARDO QUAQUARELLI, Felice Feliciano letterato nel suo epistolario, Lettere Italiane, 46 (1994), pp. 109-122.
Students will have to demonstrate their knowledge of the course notes. The professor will prepare and anthology of the texts. Further material and bibliography will be given during the semester.
The oral examination evaluates a student’s overall preparation and the direct knowledge and analysis of texts. Students will have the possibility to do a written test on the part 1.
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