Assenza Dott.ssa Checa - Lingua spagnola

Assenza Dott.ssa Checa - Lingua spagnola

Si comunica agli studenti di lingua spagnola che martedì 12 novembre la Dott.ssa Checa sarà assente per motivi familiari
Publication date
Monday, November 11, 2019 - 3:11:09 PM
Assenza Dott.ssa Checa - Lingua spagnola
Published by
University Language Centre
At the end of the course the student is able to effortlessly understand practically everything he listens to or reads. He is able to summarize information from different sources, oral and written, restructuring the arguments and information parts into a coherent text. It expresses itself spontaneously, in a very smooth and precise way and distinctly makes subtle nuances of meaning even in rather complex situations. [Gruppo 1] (2019/2020)
At the end of the course the student is able to effortlessly understand practically everything he listens to or reads. He is able to summarize information from different sources, oral and written, restructuring the arguments and information parts into a coherent text. It expresses itself spontaneously, in a very smooth and precise way and distinctly makes subtle nuances of meaning even in rather complex situations. [Gruppo 2] (2019/2020)
Spagnolo b1 verona - MODULO INFORMATIZZATO (2019/2020)
Spagnolo b1 verona - MODULO SCRITTO/ORALE [Gruppo 3] (2019/2020)
Spagnolo b1 verona - MODULO INFORMATIZZATO [Gruppo 3] (2019/2020)
Spagnolo b1 verona - MODULO SCRITTO/ORALE (2019/2020)
Athenaeum Linguistic Center