Commissione selezione borse LM39, Linguistics / Evaluation Committee - scholarships for the international Students in Linguistics

Commissione selezione borse LM39, Linguistics / Evaluation Committee - scholarships for the international Students in Linguistics

La Commissione per la selezione delle candidature per le borse riservate agli studenti internazionali extra-UE del CdS di Linguistics è stata nominata del presidente del Collegio Didattico prof. Marcolungo immediatamente dopo la chiusura del bando (10 aprile 2018) e approvata dal Collegio Didattico in data 11 aprile 2018. La Commissione è così composta: Proff. Paola Cotticelli, Serena Dal Maso e Chiara Melloni.

Master's Course in Linguistics: The Evaluation Committee for the International Student's scholarships has been nominated immediately after the application deadline and has been approved by the teaching staff on April 11th 2018. The Committee is composed by three members: Proff. Paola Cotticelli, Serena Dal Maso e Chiara Melloni.


Publication date
Friday, April 27, 2018 - 9:23:30 PM
Commissione selezione borse LM39, Linguistics / Evaluation Committee - scholarships for the international Students in Linguistics
Published by
Chiara Melloni
Master's degree in Linguistics