Degree in Languages and Culture for Publishing

Course modules

Course not running

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I semestre from 10/1/08 to 1/17/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Romance Philology not yet allocated
F Information Technology [I semestre] Nicola Fausto Spoto
B French Literature II Franco Piva
B English Literature II Silvia Bigliazzi
A Italian Literature II Gian Paolo Marchi
B Russian Literature II Cinzia De Lotto
B German Literature II Elmar Locher (Coordinator)
A Comparative Literature Raffaella Bertazzoli
C History of Handwritten Tradition Lidia Bartolucci
B French Literature III Stefano Genetti
B English Literature III Daniela Carpi
B Russian Literature III Stefano Aloe
B Spanish Literature III Paola Ambrosi

II semestre from 3/2/09 to 5/30/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Germanic Philology Maria Adele Cipolla (Coordinator)
B Slavic Philology Sergio Bonazza
F Information Technology [II semestre] Graziano Pravadelli
B German Literature II Elmar Locher (Coordinator)
B French II Pierluigi Ligas (Coordinator)
B English II Maria Ivana Lorenzetti (Coordinator)
B Russian II Sergio Pescatori (Coordinator)
B Spanish II Renzo Miotti (Coordinator)
B German II not yet allocated
B German Literature III Peter Erwin Kofler (Coordinator)
B Spazio Moodle non più disponibile French III Paolo Frassi (Coordinator)
B English III Roberto Cagliero (Coordinator)
B Russian III Sergio Pescatori (Coordinator)
B Spanish III not yet allocated
B German III Stefan Rabanus (Coordinator)
C History of Philosophy Arnaldo Petterlini
C History and Techniques of Photography Giorgio Fossaluzza
A History and Theory of Translation Rita Severi (Coordinator)

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
D Student's choice (second year) not yet allocated
B Spanish Literature II Andrea Zinato (Coordinator)
B French II Pierluigi Ligas (Coordinator)
B English II Maria Ivana Lorenzetti (Coordinator)
B Russian II Sergio Pescatori (Coordinator)
B Spanish II Renzo Miotti (Coordinator)
B German II not yet allocated
A History of Literary Criticism not yet allocated
F Headed training (second year) not yet allocated
C Aesthetics not yet allocated
F Applied Information Technology not yet allocated
B Spazio Moodle non più disponibile French III Paolo Frassi (Coordinator)
B English III Roberto Cagliero (Coordinator)
B Russian III Sergio Pescatori (Coordinator)
B German III Stefan Rabanus (Coordinator)
E Final exam not yet allocated
F Third foreign language not yet allocated
F Headed training (third year) not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
