Storia della cultura. Letterature Comparate. Shakespeare. Tasso.Erasmo.Giulio Romano. Giovan Paolo Lomazzo. Richard Haydocke. B. Castiglione. Gonzaga. Este. Maria Beatrice d'Este. Charles II. James II. Henry VIII. Elizabeth I.
Short description of contents:
The 16 essays contained in the book analyze different cultural features of the renascences that, in England, ranged from the early sixteenth century(Henry VIII-Thomas More and the English Neo-Platonists) to practically the end of the 17th century, when the theatre resyored a new spirit to the age. The works of Erasmus and Tasso are examined for their wide ranging European influence and also as sources of Shakespeare.The arts and painting, in particular, are explored in the writings of Giovan Paolo Lomazzo translated into English by R. Haydocke. The Gonzaga and the Este court life in Italy are analyzed in the perspective of their Eiuropean and English relations.
Many of these essays have been published or read in international conferences, for instance in India, Firenze, Torino, Modena, Mantova, Canossa.