
Caribbean-Scottish Relations. Colonial & Contemporary Inscriptions in History, Language & Literature  (2007)

Covi, G.; ANIM ADDO, J.; Pollard, V.; Sassi, Carla
Caribbean-Scottish Relations. Colonial & Contemporary Inscriptions in History, Language & Literature
Type of item:
Monografia o trattato scientifico
Tipologia ANVUR:
Monografia o trattato scientifico
A Stampa
Mango Publishing
Letteratura scozzese; letteratura caraibica; teorie postcoloniali
Short description of contents:
This book focuses on the historical, cultural and literary representations of various aspects of this complicated interconnection: Anim-Addo’s on family history, Covi’s on identities in African-Caribbean literature, Pollard’s on Jamaican history and language, and Sassi’s on Scottish literature. They discuss pivotal figures such as Mary Seacole, Charles and Hugh Mulzac, and texts by Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Robertson, and anonymous Author of Marly, and by Una Marson, Claude McKay, Olive Senior, Jamaica Kincaid, and Nourbese Philip among others; they give voice to Juliana Mulzac through (auto)biography and to numerous people through interviews and acts of re-memorying. This book inaugurates the project to remap history by accounting for the often paradoxical complexity of relations determined by imperial power; not only does it consider that which separates Scotland from the Caribbean, that which sets ‘Blackness’ apart from ‘Scottishness’, but it also accepts an investigation of that which brings these two geopolitical areas and ethnic groups together. The inquiry results in a multi-vocal discourse that deconstructs national narratives, unveils colonial inscriptions, and releases the creolised images and words that demand full citizenship in the representation of the Circum-Atlantic.
Recensito in: The Year’s Work in English Studies (2009) 88(1): 1167-1168. Harrison, Sheri-Marie. “The Caribbean”. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Vol. 43 (4), 2008. Scottish Review of Books, vol. 3 no. 4, 2007, p.21 The Scotsman, "Books in brief", 23 feb. 2008 K. Williamson, "Reviews", in Edinburgh Review, no.123, 2008 Il volume è stato presentato nell'ambito della Conferenza internazionale “English Literatures. Ethical, Colonial and Cultural Encounters” presso l'Università di Barcelona, in associazione con The Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English (luglio 23-27 2007), da David Dabydeen e dalle quattro autrici. La Royal Society of Edinburgh mi ha conferito una Visiting Research Fellowship di sei mesi presso il Dept. of English Studies della Univeristy of Stirling (UK) per il proseguimento del medesimo progetto di ricerca. Il volume è stato il punto di partenza per un Convegno internazionale su "Caribbean-Scottish Passages: History, Language, Literature” presso la University of Stirling, in associazione con la British Academy e l'Università di Verona (24-25 giugno 2008), cui sono state invitate a partecipare le quattro autrici in qualità di Keynote speakers.
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Deposited On:
July 14, 2012
Last Modified:
October 19, 2022
Bibliographic citation:
Covi, G.; ANIM ADDO, J.; Pollard, V.; Sassi, Carla, Caribbean-Scottish Relations. Colonial & Contemporary Inscriptions in History, Language & LiteratureMango Publishing2007

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