Acquisition of the main methodological instruments used in terminology.
Introduction to terminology. Main softwares (concordanciers, étiqueteurs ecc.) used in terminology. Dictionaries, glossaries and terminological databases. The course includes the analysis of texts concerning Tourism and International Commerce.
Notes will be available on the AVAC e-learning platform ( Students can access the platform and register their account using the same user-id and password as for other online university services (e-mail etc.).
The program is the same for both attendant and non attendant students.
The course will be held in French.
- M.-C. L’Homme (2004), La terminologie : principes et techniques, Montréal, Presses Universitaires de Montréal.
The study of the following essays is compulsory :
- M. Yaguello , « La grammaire » in M. Yaguello (éd) (2003), Le Grand livre de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, pp. 153-258.
- C. Marchello-Nizia, « Le français dans l’histoire » in M. Yaguello (éd) (2003), Le Grand livre de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, pp. 11-90.
Oral interview in French. Students (either attending or not attending the lessons) will have to present a proposition of “exposé” by the end of May. This delay must be respected whenever they intend to pass the exam (June, September or February). Not attending students will have to contact the Professor in great advance in order to agree the subject of the “exposé”.
Il riconoscimento del livello di competenza linguistica avverrà in sede d’esame ufficiale sulla base degli attestati rilasciati dal CLA o dagli Enti certificatori accreditati dal MURST (Alliance Française, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris) nell’ambito del livello C1 (unità B1 e B2 del DALF).
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