The objective of the course is to introduce students to textual and linguistic analysis of the language of advertising in English in its different aspects.
Corse outline:
During the course we will discuss topics related to textual and linguistic mechanisms and processes in the language of advertising. The course aims at providing students with a theoretical perspective and with tools of analysis concerning the language of advertising in English.
Reading list:
Bathia, T.K. & Richtie W.C. 2004. Bilingualism in Global Media and Advertising. In T.K. Bathia & W.C. Richtie (eds). The Handbook of Bilingualism. Oxford: Blackwell.
Bathia T.K. 2006. World Englishes in Global Advertising. In Kachru B.B., Kachru Y. Nelson C.L. The Handbook of World Englishes. Malden/Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Goddard, 2002. The Language of Advertising. London: Routledge.
Hermerén, L. 1999. English for Sale. Lund: Lund University Press.
Kelly-Holmes, H. 2005. Advertising as multilingual communication. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Leech G.N. 1966. English in advertising. A Linguistic Study of Advertising in Great Britain. London: Longman.
Additional Reading:
Carter R., Cornbleet S. 2001. The Language of Speech and Writing. London: Routledge.
Cook, G. 1992. The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge.
Crystal, D. 2003 (2nd Edition). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vestergaard T., Schrøder K. 1985. The Language of Advertising. Oxford: Blackwell.
Additional bibliographic references will be indicated during the course.
The final exam will be oral. Possible investigation topics to be examined at an individual level will be discussed during the course.
Required Linguistic Competence
Level 4 ALTE, C1 Council of Europe
Certification of linguistic competence is provided by the CLA (University Language Centre) or by other certified institutions, as specified in the Student’s Guide (“Guida dello studente”).
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