The course aims at offering a general introduction to the main concerns and theoretical issues of the discipline through the critical reading and analysis of representative Australian, Caribbean and South Pacific texts.
The course will explore the genre defined “composite novel” or “short story cycle”, a hybrid genre between short fiction and novel in which the single short stories that make up a collection, even though individually autonomous pieces, are interrelated in a coherent whole text resembling a novel. By reading and elaborating on the texts students will be presented with the thematic, technical and stylistic elements determining a sense of cohesion as well as with the specific features of the short story that in some cases, especially in the Caribbean and the South Pacific, is strictly connected with the oral tradition. Observations on genre will be accompanied by the investigation of specific aspects related to the literature and culture of Australia, the Caribbean and the South Pacific.
Non-attending students are required to follow the primary text and reference lists recommended to attending students and to complement it with the supplementary reference list.
Primary Texts
- V.S. Naipaul, Miguel Street (1959)
- F. Moorhouse, Futility and Other Animals (1969)
- T. Astley, Hunting the Wild Pineapple (1979)
- S. Figiel, Where We Once Belonged (1996)
- B. Ashcroft, G. Griffiths, H. Tiffin (eds.), The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, Routledge, 1995 (le parti che verranno specificate).
- S. Rushdie, ““Commonwealth Literature” does not exist” in Imaginary Homelands, London, Granta Books, 1992.
- M. Dunn, A. Morris, The Composite Novel. The Short Story Cycle in Transition, New York, Twayne, 1995 (pp. 1-19; 30-36; 47-52; 59-63; 88-91).
- A. Righetti (ed.), Theory and Practice of the Short Story: Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific, Dip. Di Anglistica, Università di Verona, 2006 (I capitoli: “Frank Moorhouse in Conversation with Laurie Hergenhan” pp. 3-22; “Sia Figiel: An Oceanic Voice in Performance” pp. 77-96; A. Righetti, “Continuities/Discontinuities: Frank Moorhouse’s Stories” pp. 143-151; “Panel Discussion” pp. 265-283).
Supplementary references for non-attending students
- C. Gorlier, “Un nuovo canone” in F. Marenco (a c. di), La civiltà letteraria inglese, UTET, 1996, pp. 821-837.
- J. Thieme, The Web of Tradition, Hertford, Dangaroo Press, 1987 (pp. 14-32).
- B. Bennett, Australian Short Fiction: a History, UQP, 2002 (pp. 179-189; 206-211).
- E. Benson, L.W. Connolly (eds), Encyclopaedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English, London, Routledge, 2005 (le parti che verranno specificate)
General reference text: B. Ashcroft, G. Griffiths, H. Tiffin (eds.), Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, Routledge, 1998.
Copies from references will be available at copisteria La Rapida.
The text Theory and Practice of the Short Story edited by A. Righetti is available, free of charge, at segreteria di Anglistica. You will be asked to fill in a request form.
Oral exam
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