Unit | Credits | Academic sector | Period | Academic staff |
Maria Grana
Maria Grana
Module: Lezioni
The course will offer a panorama of the development of the culture and the literature of Latin America by focusing on some exemplary moments of its narrative.
Another goal is the acquisition of fundamental notions of story telling to be achieved in the following way: a) the student will participate orally during the lessons commenting some aspects of the tales analyzed; b) the student will present a written analytical work as member of a group c) the student will present orally his written work (For instructions see below **)
Module: Esercitazioni
Another goal is the acquisition of fundamental notions of story telling to be achieved in the following way: a) the student will participate orally during the lessons commenting some aspects of the tales analyzed; b) the student will present a written analytical work as member of a group c) the student will present orally his written work (For instructions see below **)
Module: Lezioni
-Esteban Echeverría, El matadero-Biblioteca Cervantes Digital.
-Horacio Quiroga, Cuentos. Selezione- Biblioteca Digital
-J.M. Oviedo (ed.), Antología crítica del cuento hispanoamericano (1920-1980). Due voll: °1.Fundadores e innovadores
°2.La gran síntesis y después (2 voll.), Alianza (2002).
-altri racconti non inclusi qui potranno essere consegnati durante le lezioni o letti in edizioni elettroniche.
Opere crítiche
-Hermann Grosser, Narrativa. Manuale/Antologia, Milano, Principato, 2008.
-Horacio Quiroga, “Decálogo del perfecto cuentista (1925)” in Lauro Zavala, comp. , Teorías de los cuentistas, México, UNAM, 1997.
-Julio Cortázar, “Algunos aspectos del cuento” en Obra crítica /2. Edición de Jaime Alazraki. Alfaguara.
Manuali e dizionari
1- Rosalba Campra, America Latina, l’identità e la maschera, Roma, Meltemi, 2006. (lettura obbligatoria).
Come sussidio bibliografico di riferimento generale gli studenti possono consultare:
2-José Miguel Oviedo, Historia de la literatura ispanoamericana, Alianza. (o qualche altra Storia della letteratura: Puccini e Yurkievich, per es. o quella di G. Bellini).
3-Diccionario enciclopédico de las letras de America Latina, Caracas, Ayacucho-Monte Avila, 1991. Vol. I II.
-M. Morínigo, Diccionario del español de América.Madrid, Muchnik
Module: Esercitazioni
Module: Lezioni
The oral examination will test knowledge and ability to produce a textual, historical and cultural analysis of the Latin American stories covered. The final grade will be the average of the grade of the oral examination and the written and oral exercises carried out during the lessons.
For the third year students the oral examination will be entirely in Spanish (with the exception of the bibliography in Italian).
For the second year students the examination will be in Italian but will include an assessment of the level of comprehension of the texts in Spanish.
Module: Esercitazioni
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