The course aims to present an introduction to the main themes connected to francophone literatures. In particular, we will approach the literature of Quebec, focusing on contemporary literary texts stories from which we can infer socio-historical changements occurred in the country and on the problem of (im)migration, integration and quête identitaire at the end of twentieth-century.
Yannick GASQUY-RESCH ed, Littérature du Québec, Vanves, Edicef, 1994.
Verrà poi prestata particolare attenzione alle problematiche legate alla (im)migrazione, all’integrazione e alla ricerca identitaria nella società quebecchese di fine novecento attraverso lo studio dei seguenti testi:
- Y. CHEN, Les lettres chinoises, Arles, Actes Sud, 1999.
- L. GAUVIN, Lettres d’une autre, Montréal, Typo, 2007.
- M. MICONE, Le figuier enchanté, Montréal, Boréal, 1992.
Further information and bibliographic material will be indicated at the beginning of the course.
Oral exam, in italian or french.
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