The aim of the course is to broaden the knowledge of the syntax, the analysis of the main aspects of lexicology, lexicography, phraseology, and of “functional styles”, including their use in literature and in relation to translation
Lessico e lessicografia; dizionari bilingui; traducibilità del testo e traducibilità degli inventari lessicali.
- I. PUL'KINA, E. ZACHAROVA-NEKRASOVA, Ucebnik russkogo jazyka, Moskva, Vyssaja skola, 1964 (e succ.).
- F.S. PERILLO, La lingua russa all’università, Bari, Cacucci Ed., 2000 (parti scelte).
- KUZNECOVA, E.V., Leksikologija russkogo jazyka, Moskva, Vyssaja skola, 1982 (parti).
- O.B. SIROTININA, Russkaja razgovornaja rec’, Moskva, Prosvescenie, 1983 (parti).
- DOBROVOL’SKAJA Ju., L’ABC della traduzione, Venezia, Cafoscarina, 2001.
Assessment will be by oral exam.
Level 4 (ALTE), C1 (Council of Europe) or equivalent international certificate TRKI 3/TORFL 3 (tretij uroven’).
The assessment of the competence level will take place during the exam on the grounds of the certificates issued by the CLA (the University Language Centre) or by other accredited institutions.
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