Dynamics of knowledge transmission and linguistic transformation in Chinese textual cultures

Dynamics of knowledge transmission and linguistic transformation in Chinese textual cultures
  from 6/10/21 to 6/11/21
The circulation and the dissemination of knowledge rely in essential ways on forms of linguistics transformation, alteration and manipulation. An apparently simple act such as adding a lexical gloss next to a term can potentially reveal the complex interpretative and translational processes that are needed in order for a specific verbal structure to continue to operate as a meaningful sign in a new setting. Furthermore, it can encapsulate the individual and contextual factors and constraints that might affect the way those processes are carried out. 
Historically, practices of linguistic transformation and manipulation, from the writing of glosses and paraphrases to the elaboration of full-fledged commentaries and rewritings, have served as important vehicles for the transmission and dissemination of knowledge. They have contributed to the development of a rich body of secondary literature in a wide range of new scholarly and popular genres and textual formats, aimed at catering to different audiences and for different needs. 
In engaging with the dynamics of knowledge transmission within Chinese textual traditions, this workshop aims to address the specific question of language use in a variety of textual practices in different periods of Chinese literary culture.

The international workshop is organized by Barbara Bisetto (University of Verona) and Rainier Lanselle (Ecole Pratiques des Hautes Etudes, Paris), and it is supported by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of the University of Verona and by CRCAO (Paris, www.crcao.fr).
The workshop is free and open to anyone interested
For accessing the sessions, visit https://knowl-lingtrans.sciencesconf.org and follow the instructions given on the «Zoom access» page

