Relazioni commerciali internazionali

Registration year 2008/2009

Curriculum Relazioni commerciali internazionali

This degree comes after the three-year degree Bachelor's degree in Languages and Culture for Tourism and International Commerce (until 2007-2008) (not running).
The total number of Number of ECTS credits allocated is 300.

Training activities Curriculum
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
Lingua 1 I (primo anno specialistica):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English I (LS) (L-LIN/12) 6 2008/2009
French I (LS) (L-LIN/04) 6 2008/2009
German I (LS) (L-LIN/14) 6 2008/2009
Russian I (LS) (L-LIN/21) 6 2008/2009
Spanish I (LS) (L-LIN/07) 6 2008/2009
Lingua 2 I (primo anno specialistica):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English I (LS) (L-LIN/12) 6 2008/2009
French I (LS) (L-LIN/04) 6 2008/2009
German I (LS) (L-LIN/14) 6 2008/2009
Russian I (LS) (L-LIN/21) 6 2008/2009
Spanish I (LS) (L-LIN/07) 6 2008/2009
C Specific activities of this program Industrial law and international trading (IUS/04) 2008/2009
A Specific activities of this program Management of internationally oriented companies (SECS-P/07) 2008/2009
A Specific activities of this program Reading and analysis of the budget (SECS-P/07) 2008/2009
S Specific activities of this program Service management (SECS-P/08) 2008/2009
F Project Work (-) 2008/2009
A Specific activities of this program History of international trading (SECS-P/12) 2008/2009
F Third foreign language (-) 2008/2009
D At the student's choice (1st year LS) (-) 2008/2009
Lingua 1 II (secondo anno specialistica):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English II A (LS) (L-LIN/12) 6 2009/2010
French II A (LS) (L-LIN/04) 6 2009/2010
German II A (LS) (L-LIN/14) 6 2009/2010
Russian II A (LS) (L-LIN/21) 6 2009/2010
Spanish II A (LS) (L-LIN/07) 6 2009/2010
Lingua 2 II (secondo anno specialistica):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English II A (LS) (L-LIN/12) 6 2009/2010
French II A (LS) (L-LIN/04) 6 2009/2010
German II A (LS) (L-LIN/14) 6 2009/2010
Russian II A (LS) (L-LIN/21) 6 2009/2010
Spanish II A (LS) (L-LIN/07) 6 2009/2010
C Specific activities of this program Ecommerce IT technology (INF/01) 2009/2010
S Specific activities of this program Advanced marketing (trade marketing) (SECS-P/08) 2009/2010
A Specific activities of this program Planning & Control (SECS-P/07) 2009/2010
A Specific activities of this program Competitive strategies for emerging markets (SECS-P/07) 2009/2010
F Third foreign language (-) 2009/2010
D At the student's choice (2nd year LS) (-) 2012/2013
12  E Final test (LS) (-) 2009/2010

Type of training activity (TTA)
A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities
D Activities to be chosen by the student
E Final examination
F Other activitites
S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations
Specific activities of this program Specific activities of this program