Research groups

Information Extraction for Robotic Surgery

The research group focuses on researching and developing techniques for extracting information from manuals and textual content in the field of robotic surgery. Of particular interest to the group is the extraction of procedural knowledge from descriptions of robotic surgery procedures found in domain manuals and textbooks. The extracted procedural knowledge represents valuable content that can be exploited in many clinical applications: automation of surgical procedures by autonomous robots; construction/extension of surgical knowledge bases to support decision-making during surgical interventions; creation of question-answering style applications, usable for example during the learning phase by medical students. The group, which involves the University of Verona (with three departments: Computer Science, Engineering for Innovation Medicine, and Foreign Languages and Literatures) and the University of Mannheim (Germany), publishes research results in top international journals and conferences in the field, and makes available to the research community the developed resources (e.g., datasets, pre-trained models), such as: - Surgical Procedural Knowledge Sentences (SPKS) dataset: - Robotic Surgical Propositional Bank (RSPB): - SurgicBERTa: University of Verona: Marco Bombieri, Paolo Fiorini, Marco Rospocher University of Mannheim: Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Contact people
Marco Rospocher

Marco Bombieri
Temporary Professor
Marco Rospocher
Associate Professor
Paolo Fiorini
Teaching Assistant (Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine)
External components
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Universität Mannheim
Topic Research area
Artificial Intelligence Intelligenza Artificiale per le Digital Humanities
Artificial intelligence
Information Extraction Intelligenza Artificiale per le Digital Humanities
Artificial intelligence
Natural Language Processing Intelligenza Artificiale per le Digital Humanities
Artificial intelligence
AI, Robotics & Automatic Control Sistemi robotici e automazione Sistemi robotici e automazione


Research facilities
