Research groups

Internationale Robert Musil Gesellschaft (IRMG)

THE IRMG aims at fostering the study of the writings of the Austrian author Robert Musil. Conferences: 27-29.09.2015 Palù del Fersina/Bolzano: Robert Musil als Redakteur der Tiroler Soldatenzeitung (with Prof. Elmar Locher) Pubblications: 2012 Robert Musil teorico della ricezione. Contiene il saggio inedito La psicotecnica e la sua possibilità di applicazione nell’esercito, Peter Lang, Musiliana 2003 La difficoltà del narrare. Forme e strutture in «Die Amsel» di Robert Musil, Fiorini, Verona. 2014 Robert Musil in der Klagenfurter Ausgabe. Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten einer digitalen Edition, edited by M. Salgaro, Fink, Musil-Studien. 2018 Salgaro, M., Rebora, S., Lauer, G. und Herrmann J. B. (2018). Die Tiroler Soldatenzeitung und ihre Autoren. Eine computergestützte Suche nach Robert Musil. In: Mariaelisa Dimino, Elmar Locher, und Salgaro Massimo (Hg.) “Oberleutnant Robert Musil als Redakteur der Soldatenzeitung“, Fink-Verlag [in press] 2018 Salgaro, M., Rebora, S., Lauer, G., and Herrmann, J. B., Robert Musil, a War Journal, and Stylometry: Tackling the Issue of Short Texts in: DSH: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, [in press]. 2018 Salgaro, M., Rebora, S., Lauer, G., and Herrmann, J. B., The ‘Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung’ and its Authors. A Computer-Aided Search for Robert Musil. In: DHd 2018 Konferenzabstracts. Köln: DHd, pp. 315-320
Contact people
Simone Rebora Massimo Salgaro


Massimo Salgaro
Associate Professor
Simone Rebora
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
The scientific experiment Letterature tedesca e austriaca
Germanic Science Fiction, Literature and Science
Analysis of the essays and literary texts by Robert Musil Letterature tedesca e austriaca
German literature: Individual authors or works
Stilometry Letterature tedesca e austriaca
Germanic Critical Theory & Poetics


Research facilities
