Research groups

"Salzburger Bachmann Edition"

Collaboration to the first critical edition of Ingeborg Bachmann's work, including all letters and unpublished texts
Contact people
Isolde Schiffermuller


Arturo Larcati
Associate Professor
Isolde Schiffermuller
Full Professor
Gabriella Pelloni
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
Ingeborg Bachmann Letterature tedesca e austriaca
Germanic Critical Theory & Poetics
Letteratura Austriaca Letterature tedesca e austriaca
German literature: Literary history and criticism
German-Language-Literature of the 19.-21. Centuries Letterature tedesca e austriaca
German literature: Literary history and criticism
Nietzscheforschung Letterature tedesca e austriaca
Germanic Critical Theory & Poetics
Contemporary migration literature Letterature tedesca e austriaca
German literature: Literary history and criticism
Stefan Zweig Letterature tedesca e austriaca
Germanic Critical Theory & Poetics


Research facilities
