Research groups

El léxico del español en su historia (LEHist) Lexicon of Spanish language in its history (LEHist)

The research group focuses on studying lexical units – both simple and complex – of the Spanish language, with special attention paid to the relationship between words and the sociohistorical context where these originated, were acquired from other languages or acquired a new meaning. The research activities are not subject to chronological or geographical restrictions: as a matter of fact, projects and studies may consider any age of Spanish language and may include panhispanic items or terms relating to a specific area of Spanish speaking territories. The research will be carried out by consulting both lexicographic sources and corpora. The pursuits of LEHist group are marked by a contrastive and multilingual approach: part of the research will consist in comparing items extracted from Hispanic texts to lexicon from other languages (especially Italian, French, English and Portuguese) and their respective dictionaries. One of the current lines of research applies to Spanish technical and scientific lexicon from 18th and 19th century. The research group includes prof. Natividad Gallardo San Salvador (Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad de Granada). LEHist group is part of the international network Red Temática Lengua y Ciencia (
Contact people
Matteo De Beni


Francesca Dalle Pezze
Associate Professor
Dunia Hourani Martin
Research Assistants
Elisa Sartor
Associate Professor
Matteo De Beni
Full Professor
Maria Del Carmen Navarro
Research Assistants
External components
Elena Dal Maso
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
David Porcel Bueno
Universidad de Granada – Universität Graz
Natividad Gallardo San Salvador
Universidad de Granada
Topic Research area
ICT in Spanish language acquisition and teachers training Lingua e linguistica spagnola
Spanish Language
Lessicografia e lessicologia Lingua e linguistica spagnola
Lexicografía y lexicología
Spanish lexicography and lexicology Lingua e linguistica spagnola
Lexicografía y lexicología
Spanish corpus linguistics Lingua e linguistica spagnola
Spanish Corpus Linguistics
History of the Spanish language Lingua e linguistica spagnola
Lingüística histórica
Translation and history of translation Lingua e linguistica spagnola
Spanish Traduccion
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Lengua española y discurso político Matteo De Beni Sep 1, 2014 60
Lexicografía y lexicología diacrónicas Francesca Dalle Pezze, Matteo De Beni Jan 1, 2013 72


Research facilities
