Advanced/Professional development course in Contemporary English pronunciation: From theory to practice

Course not running


This is a practically-based course for those who want to pronounce English more natively. No technical knowledge of phonetics is required, as all concepts and symbols will be explained as part of the course. The course will also include new developments in English, with discussion of both phonetic and social-cultural factors which have shaped the contemporary language, and will involve interactive participation, giving students the opportunity to improve their language skills and confidence. Methodological debate and discussion will be encouraged.

Enrolments for the academic year 2013-14 are open.
For all information
click HERE

Course details

Degree type
Advanced postgraduate course
0 years
Supervisory body
Comitato scientifico del corso di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale in Contemporary English Pronunciation: from theory to practice
Main Department
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Macro area
Subject area
Foreign Languages and Literatures