Morphological variation has always been a major topic in dialect research. However, little is known about either geography-induced morphological variation in standard-near registers or how the dialect-standard axis – continuum or diglossia? – is shaped from the point of view of morphological (and syntactic) variation. Attempts at capturing the linguistic features of what can be labeled Regional Dialect, Regiolects, Regional Standard or New Standard (i.e. standard-near registers characterized by regional features) in European languages are largely based on phonetic and phonological if not lexical variables, cf. Christen et al. (2010) for German in Switzerland, Cerruti, Crocco & Marzo (2017) for Italian. The consideration of morphological and syntactic features in determining the structure of a dialect-standard axis for those languages is only just beginning, for German cf. Kallenborn (2019), for Dutch in Flanders cf. Taeldeman (2008). Research on English morphosyntax is slightly more advanced, especially with respect to pidgin/creole and L2 varieties, cf. Szmrecsanyi & Kortmann (2009) and Kortmann & Lunkenheimer (2012). Nevertheless, the structure of morphological variation along the dialect-standard axis is still a major desideratum in the study of language variation and change in Europe and beyond.
Questions that need to be discussed include – but are not limited to – the following: Which morphological/syntactic variables show variation on the dialect-standard axis? How are morphological/syntactic variants used according to the variety or speech level that is used in the situation? Is it possible to divide morphological/syntactic variants into primary and secondary dialectal features, according to their degree of salience? How are morphological and phonological variants intertwined with each other?
The workshop is intended as a forum to discuss theoretical and empirical approaches to the vertical structure of languages and varieties from a morphological and syntactic point of view.
Please find the detailed program attached. The workshop will be held digitally. Participation is free of charge. Presentations will take 45 minutes including 15 minutes of discussion. Registration: Please send an e-mail to until 02.04.2021. All relevant access details on the online conference will then be sent via e-mail.