PAS A245 Foreign language: Spanish

Course modules

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List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Didattica delle lingue straniere Maria Beatriz Coceres (Coordinator)
A Didattica generale e didattica speciale not yet allocated
A Educational Technology Laboratory Stefano Bonometti (Coordinator)
A Spanish I [Cognomi AR-GA] Margarita Checa Fortes (Coordinator)
A Spanish I [Cognomi GI-ZA] Francesca Dalle Pezze (Coordinator)
A Spanish II [Cognomi AR-GA] Susana Benavente Ferrera (Coordinator)
A Spanish II [Cognomi GI-ZA] Margarita Checa Fortes (Coordinator)
E Final exam not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
