Bachelor's degree in Languages and Culture for Tourism and International Commerce (until 2007-2008) (not running)

Course modules

Course not running

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I semestre from 10/1/08 to 1/17/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Tourist Company Economics and Management Vania Vigolo
A French Literature II Paola Perazzolo
A English Literature II [CInt - dispari] Carla Sassi
A English Literature II [CInt - pari] Chiara Battisti
A English Literature II [Tur] Lisanna Calvi
A Italian Literature [CInt - dispari] Nadia Ebani
A Italian Literature [CInt - pari] Corrado Viola
A Spazio Moodle non più disponibile Italian Literature [Tur] Fabio Forner
A Russian Literature II Cinzia De Lotto
A Spanish Literature II [CInt] Felice Gambin
A Spanish Literature II [Tur] Felice Gambin
A German Literature II Elmar Locher
A Theory and Techniques of communication Sandro Stanzani
C Public Economic Law Lino Panzeri (Coordinator)
F Information Technology [I semestre] Nicola Fausto Spoto
C Tourism Law Lino Panzeri (Coordinator)
A French Literature III Laura Maria Colombo
A English Literature III [CInt] Silvia Bigliazzi
A English Literature III [Tur] Yvonne Bezrucka
A Russian Literature III Stefano Aloe
A Spanish Literature III Andrea Zinato (Coordinator)
A German Literature III Walter Busch Bernard
2° 3° A Austrian Literature Isolde Schiffermuller
2° 3° A French Literature Paola Perazzolo
2° 3° A Anglo-American Language and Literature Bianca Grazia Tarozzi

II semestre from 3/2/09 to 5/30/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Community company law Alessandra Zanardo
C Community touristic law Chiara Tincani
C Company Economics and Management on foreign market Lucia Nazzaro
B Spazio Moodle non più disponibile French II Paolo Frassi (Coordinator)
B English II [CInt] Maria Ivana Lorenzetti (Coordinator)
B English II [Tur] Maria Ivana Lorenzetti (Coordinator)
B Russian II Sergio Pescatori (Coordinator)
B Spanish II Renzo Miotti (Coordinator)
B German II Sibilla Cantarini (Coordinator)
A Sociology of Cultural Processes Sandro Stanzani
F Information Technology [II semestre] Graziano Pravadelli
B Spazio Moodle non più disponibile French III Paolo Frassi (Coordinator)
B English III [CInt] Roberto Cagliero (Coordinator)
B English III [Tur] Roberto Cagliero (Coordinator)
B Russian III Sergio Pescatori (Coordinator)
B Spanish III Maria Del Carmen Navarro (Coordinator)
B German III Stefan Rabanus (Coordinator)
C Tourism marketing Marta Maria Ugolini
C International Marketing Vania Vigolo
2° 3° A Literature of English-speaking Countries Angelo Righetti
2° 3° A Hispano-American Language and Literature Maria Grana
2° 3° A History of the Russian language Sergio Bonazza

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Training or other educational activities not yet allocated
D Students free choice activities (art. 10, par. 1, letter D, m.D. 509/99) not yet allocated
F Applied Information Technology not yet allocated
E Final exam not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
