Master's degree in Languages for commercial communication and the promotion of international tourism (until 2008-2009)

Course modules

Course not running

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1sst semester from 10/2/06 to 1/20/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Management of internationally oriented companies Lucia Nazzaro
B French I (LS) Pierluigi Ligas
B English I (LS) [I semestre] Marta Degani
B Russian I (LS) Giovanna Siedina
B German I (LS) Birgit Alber

2nd semester from 2/26/07 to 6/1/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Industrial law and international trading Massimo Bianca
A Economics of touristic and cultural companies Antonella Toffali (Coordinator)
A Touristic-economic geography and region arrangement (advanced) Claudia Robiglio (Coordinator)
A Reading and analysis of the budget Silvia Cantele
B English I (LS) [II semestre] Paola Vettorel
B Spanish I (LS) Rosa Maria Rodriguez Abella
S Service management Marta Maria Ugolini
S Marketing of cultural assets and services Marta Maria Ugolini
A Accounting and performance measurement Corrado Corsi
A History of international trading Maria Luisa Ferrari
C Intellectual property protection Massimo Bianca

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Project Work not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
