years | TTA | E-lrng | Name | Teacher or coordinator |
4° | A | Management of internationally oriented companies |
Lucia Nazzaro
4° | B | French I (LS) |
Pierluigi Ligas
4° | B | English I (LS) [I semestre] |
Marta Degani
4° | B | Russian I (LS) |
Giovanna Siedina
4° | B | German I (LS) |
Birgit Alber
years | TTA | E-lrng | Name | Teacher or coordinator |
4° | C | Industrial law and international trading |
Massimo Bianca
4° | A | Economics of touristic and cultural companies |
Antonella Toffali
4° | A | Touristic-economic geography and region arrangement (advanced) |
Claudia Robiglio
4° | A | Reading and analysis of the budget |
Silvia Cantele
4° | B | English I (LS) [II semestre] |
Paola Vettorel
4° | B | Spanish I (LS) |
Rosa Maria Rodriguez Abella
4° | S | Service management |
Marta Maria Ugolini
4° | S | Marketing of cultural assets and services |
Marta Maria Ugolini
4° | A | Accounting and performance measurement |
Corrado Corsi
4° | A | History of international trading |
Maria Luisa Ferrari
4° | C | Intellectual property protection |
Massimo Bianca
years | TTA | E-lrng | Name | Teacher or coordinator |
4° | F | Project Work | not yet allocated |
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