Degree in Languages and Culture for Tourism Management

Course modules

Course not running

Inserisci la matricola per vedere la tua offerta formativa nell'anno corretto.

1st semester from 10/3/05 to 1/21/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Italian Literature [Cognomi A-E] Nadia Ebani
Italian Literature [Cognomi F-O] Silvia Longhi
Italian Literature [Cognomi P-Z] Emanuela Scarpa
B French II Anna Giaufret
B English II Anna Zanfei
B Russian II Sergio Pescatori
Spanish II [Matricole dispari] Renzo Miotti
Spanish II [Matricole pari] Renzo Miotti
B German II Birgit Alber
A Theory and Techniques of communication [Matricole dispari] Sandro Stanzani
A Theory and Techniques of communication [Matricole pari] Sandro Stanzani
English Literature III Daniela Carpi
Spanish Literature III Andrea Zinato
French III Pierluigi Ligas
English III Roberto Cagliero
German III Birgit Alber
Marketing [Matricole dispari] Marta Maria Ugolini
Marketing [Matricole pari] Marta Maria Ugolini
2° 3° A French Literature Laura Maria Colombo
2° 3° A Anglo-American Language and Literature Bianca Grazia Tarozzi

2nd semester from 2/27/06 to 6/3/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C European Community Law [Matricole dispari] Carla Maria Gulotta
C European Community Law [Matricole pari] Carla Maria Gulotta
C Tourist Company Economics and Management [Matricole dispari] Francesca Simeoni
C Tourist Company Economics and Management [Matricole pari] Francesca Simeoni
A French Literature II Stefano Genetti
A English Literature II [Matricole dispari] Rita Di Giuseppe
A English Literature II [Matricole pari] Carla Sassi
A Russian Literature II Stefano Aloe
Spanish Literature II [Matricole dispari] Felice Gambin
Spanish Literature II [Matricole pari] Anna Bognolo
A German Literature II Peter Erwin Kofler
Tourism Law Alessandra Concaro
French Literature III Laura Maria Colombo
Russian Literature III Stefano Aloe
German Literature III Walter Busch Bernard
Russian III Giovanna Siedina
Spanish III Maria Del Carmen Navarro
2° 3° Austrian Literature Elmar Locher (Coordinator)
2° 3° A Literature of English-speaking Countries Angelo Righetti
2° 3° A Hispano-American Language and Literature Maria Grana
2° 3° History of the Russian language not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
