Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures

Course modules

Course not running

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1st semester from 10/3/05 to 1/21/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Geography Claudia Robiglio
A Italian Literature Corrado Viola
B Spanish Literature I Antonella Gallo
B French I Pierluigi Ligas
B English I Cesare Gagliardi
B Russian I Sergio Pescatori
B German I Alessandra Tomaselli
C Contemporary History Francesco Vecchiato
A Italian Philology Michelangelo Zaccarello
A Comparative Literature I Raffaella Bertazzoli
B French Literature Laura Maria Colombo
B French II Anna Giaufret
B English II Anna Zanfei
B Russian II Sergio Pescatori
Spanish II [Matricole dispari] Renzo Miotti
Spanish II [Matricole pari] Renzo Miotti
B German II Birgit Alber
B Anglo-American Language and Literature Bianca Grazia Tarozzi
Spanish Literature III Andrea Zinato
French III Pierluigi Ligas
English III Roberto Cagliero
German III Birgit Alber

Teachings borrowed from the Faculty of Lettere e filosofia
2nd semester from 2/20/06 to 5/31/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Modern History Alessandro Pastore

2nd semester from 2/27/06 to 6/3/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Glottology Giovanna Massariello (Coordinator)
B French Literature I Stefano Genetti
B English Literature I Yvonne Bezrucka
B Russian Literature I Stefano Aloe
B German Literature I Massimo Salgaro (Coordinator)
B Spanish I Rosa Maria Rodriguez Abella
A General Linguistics Giovanna Massariello
C History of Modern Art Giorgio Fossaluzza
Germanic Philology Maria Adele Cipolla (Coordinator)
Germanic Philology (2nd year) Maria Adele Cipolla
Romance Philology Anna Maria Babbi (Coordinator)
Romance Philology (2nd year) Anna Maria Babbi (Coordinator)
Austrian Literature Elmar Locher (Coordinator)
B Literature of English-speaking Countries Angelo Righetti
B French Literature II Franco Piva
English Literature II Susanna Zinato
B Russian Literature II Stefano Aloe
B Spanish Literature II Silvia Monti
B German Literature II Elmar Locher
B Hispano-American Language and Literature Maria Grana
C History of Philosophy Maria Cecilia Barbetta
History of the Russian language Sergio Bonazza (Coordinator)
French Literature III Rosanna Gorris
English Literature III Maria Teresa Bindella
Russian Literature III Stefano Aloe
German Literature III Walter Busch Bernard
Comparative Literature II Raffaella Bertazzoli
Russian III Giovanna Siedina
Spanish III Maria Del Carmen Navarro
2° 3° B Slavic Philology Sergio Bonazza

Further didactic activities
