Maria Adele Cipolla

foto,  October 20, 2014
Full Professor
Academic sector
GERM-01/A - Germanic Philology and Linguistics
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH8_3 - Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage

Research sector (ERC)
SH5_10 - Cultural heritage, cultural identities and memories

Palazzo di Lingue,  Floor Primo,  Room 1.07
+39 045802 8314
adele|cipolla*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Personal web page

Office Hours

Tuesday, Hours 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM,  


Prof. Adele Cipolla specialized in medieval Germanic cultures and literatures (in particular German and Scandinavian). Her main fields of research are vernacular literatures in the Germanic Middle Ages, Paleography, Codicology and Book History from countries with a Germanic linguistic and literary tradition; textual criticism within medieval manuscript traditions; digital scholarly editing; intertextuality and connections between Germanic traditions and Latin, Romance and other vernacular traditions; modern reception of medieval works;  text-image correlation in the medieval codicology. 


Modules running in the period selected: 92.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Linguistics Filologia germanica (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Languages, Literatures and Digital Culture Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies [LL] (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Introduction to Germanic Philology [ED] (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Linguistics Filologia germanica (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Languages, Literatures and Digital Culture Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies [DC] (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Languages, Literatures and Digital Culture Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies [LL] (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Introduction to Germanic Philology [ED] (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Introduction to Germanic Philology [ED] (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Ph.D. in Linguistics Lezioni Dottorandi (2022/2023)   50  eLearning
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Introduction to Germanic Philology (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Introduction to Germanic Philology (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Introduction to Germanic Philology (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Introduction to Germanic Philology (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2018/2019)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic philology LM. Manuscript and Textual Studies (2018/2019)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Introduction to Germanic Philology (2018/2019)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Introduction to Germanic Philology (2018/2019)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Linguistics Cross-cultural encounters and revisionary literary history (2018/2019)   1   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2017/2018)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (Manuscript and Textual Studies) (2017/2018)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Introduction to Germanic Philology (2017/2018)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Introduction to Germanic Philology (2017/2018)   6  eLearning
Ph.D. programme in Foreign Literatures, Languages and Linguistics Lezioni Dottorandi (2017/2018)   10   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (Manuscript and Textual Studies) (2016/2017)   6  eLearning (Lezioni)
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Introduction to Germanic Philology (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Introduction to Germanic Philology (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Germanic Philology (2015/2016)   6   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic philology lm (2015/2016)   6   
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (Manuscript and Textual Studies) (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Germanic Philology (2014/2015)   6   
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology LM (2014/2015)   6   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic Philology LM (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Publishing Germanic Philology (2013/2014)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2013/2014)   6   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic Philology LM (2013/2014)   6   
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology LM (2013/2014)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2012/2013)   6    (Modulo 1)
[tedeschisti] (Modulo 2)
[anglisti] (Modulo 2)
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology LM (2012/2013)   6   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic Philology LM (2012/2013)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2010/2011)   6    [anglisti] (Modulo 2)
[tedeschisti] (Modulo 2)
(Modulo 1)
Master's degree in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology LM (2010/2011)   6   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic Philology LM (2010/2011)   6   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2009/2010)   6   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2nd year) (2009/2010)   6   
Master's degree in Linguistics Germanic Philology LM (2009/2010)   6   
Master's degree in Modern Comparative Languages and Literatures (until 2008-2009) Germanic Philology (LS) (2009/2010)   3   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2008/2009)   6    Modulo 1
Modulo 2 [tedeschisti]
Modulo 2 [anglisti]
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2nd year) (2008/2009)   6    Modulo 1
Modulo 2 [tedeschisti]
Master's degree in Modern Comparative Languages and Literatures (until 2008-2009) Germanic Philology (LS) (2008/2009)   3   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2007/2008)   6    Modulo 2 [anglisti]
Modulo 1
Modulo 2 [tedeschisti]
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2nd year) (2007/2008)   6    Modulo 1
Modulo 2
Master's degree in Modern Comparative Languages and Literatures (until 2008-2009) Germanic Philology (LS) (2007/2008)   3   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2006/2007)   6    Modulo 1
Modulo 2 [tedeschisti]
Modulo 2 [anglisti]
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2nd year) (2006/2007)   6    Modulo 1
Master's degree in Modern Comparative Languages and Literatures (until 2008-2009) Germanic Philology (LS) (2006/2007)   3   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2005/2006)   6    Modulo 2 [anglisti]
Modulo 2 [tedeschisti]
Modulo 1
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2nd year) (2005/2006)   6   
Master's degree in Modern Comparative Languages and Literatures (until 2008-2009) Germanic Philology (LS) (2005/2006)   3   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2004/2005)   6   
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (iteration) (2004/2005)   6   
Master's degree in Modern Comparative Languages and Literatures (until 2008-2009) Germanic Philology (LS) (2004/2005)   3     
Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2003/2004)   6     
Degree in Languages and Culture for Publishing Germanic Philology (2003/2004)   6     
Four-year Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2001/2002)   0     
Degree in Languages and Culture for Publishing Germanic Philology (2001/2002)   6     
Four-year Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures German Linguistics (2001/2002)   1     
Degree in Linguistics and Foreign Language Didactics History of the German Language (2001/2002)   6     
Four-year Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures Germanic Philology (2000/2001)   0     

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  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

A digital bibliography of Snorri's Edda
A digital bibliography of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda (primary and secondary sources) in XML TEI standards.
Digital Alexanderlied (DAL)
Digital scholarly edition of the three redactions of Pfaffe Lamprecht's Early Middle High German Alexanderlied (V, B, S).
A Digital Documentary Edition of Gottfried's "Tristan" in Munich, Bavarian State Library, Cgm 51
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Alexander the Great Germanic Philology
Germanic Philology - Literature (General): Epic poetry
Filologia germanica Germanic Philology
Germanic Philology. Linguistics: Extinct ancient or medieval languages
Middle High German Germanic Philology
West Germanic languages: Middle High German
Old Norse Heroic Legends Germanic Philology
Germanic Philology - Literature (General): Epic poetry
Old Norse Philology Germanic Philology
Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages: Old Norse. Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian
Saxo Grammaticus . Germanic Philology
German Medial
Tristan . Germanic Philology
German Philology - Literature (General): Comparative literature
Wolfram von Eschenbach - Parzival Germanic Philology
Individual authors or works: Middle High German, ca. 1050-1450/1500
Title Starting date
DAIDH 2024: Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion in the Digital text and Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives 2/11/24
Teoderico da Verona: percorsi leggendari per un turismo inclusivo 1/1/23
A Scholarly Documentary Digital Edition of Gottfried's "Tristan" in Bavarian State Library, Cgm 51 9/1/20
Un prototipo di edizione scientifica digitale dell'"Alexanderlied" 7/1/19
TRISDE 51. Verso l’Edizione scientifica digitale di illustrazioni e didascalie del codice Mϋnchen, BSB, Cgm 51 (Tristan) 7/1/18
Progetto di eccellenza: Le Digital Humanities applicate alle lingue e letterature straniere 1/1/18
Snorri's Edda Online Bibliography 6/1/17
La materia troiana nella letterarizzazione delle lingue germaniche: fonti e adattamenti 1/1/17
Testi poetici, illustrazioni, didascalie: Analisi di una Kurzform nella codicologia tedesca medievale 1/1/17
Il Vorauer Alexander: Edizione e commento 10/1/10
La letterarizzazione del mito germanico: L'Edda di Snorri. 7/3/02
