Modules running in the period selected: 64.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
English Literature and Anglophone Literatures | Starting from a diacronic view respectful of the phenomenology of literary history (in which to safely place the analysis of the specifics of the literary language of the texts being studied) and of the contextual (i.e.cultural, philosophical, political) dynamics underlying its production, the general area of competence of Susanna Zinato is English Literature (including English Theatre) and Anglophone Literature (South African literature,in particular). Among her privileged subject areas: V. Woolf’s late-modernist fiction, the Restoration theatre, rhetoric and libertine culture in early-modern England, the stylistics and rhetoric of the roman fou, madness in postcolonial anglophone literature, comparative readings of Italian and anglophone texts, the translation of Nabokov’s lectures on Russian literature, shame in postcolonial Anglophone literature. Authors privileged in her research: V. Woolf, John Vanbrugh,J. Wilmot earl of Rochester, Janet Frame, Bessie Head, J.M. Coetzee. Her strongly hermeneutical and textual approach relies on the tools provided by rhetoric and literary theory,as well as by Postcolonial Theory when dealing with postcolonial literatures. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Critical Theory & Poetics |
Madness in postcolonial fiction in English | A study of the postcolonial narrative in English having madness as its thematic core. When perceived through the experience of madness, the alienation and psychopathology always entailed in the the ideology and practice of colonialism is magnified and charged with a destabilizing force of questioning that lays bare political, as well as existential and moral, urgencies |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Critical Theory & Poetics |
Rhetoric and libertinism in the theatre and culture of Restoration England | A study of the links between rhetoric, theatre, and libertine culture in England,in the second half of the seventeenth century. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Critical Theory & Poetics |
Shame in colonial and postcolonial literature in English | A study of a the theme of shame that, due to the in-human staged in the colonial theatre and perpetrated till nowadays in new versions after decolonization, has been running through decades of colonial/postcolonial literature in English.The study, which avails itself of contributions from international scholars,involves reflections both on 'white' shame, i.e. the shame of the masters/colonizers and their 'tainted' descendants,as well of the shame of the colonized, originating in the power politics exerted on their bodies and minds. The relationship between shame and literary writing is a parallel theme that demands reflection. No need to underline the urgency of this theme, as witnessed every day by the refugees and asylum-seekers running for their bare lives to Europe- a 'boomerang invasion'. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Critical Theory & Poetics |
The stylistics and rhetoric of the postcolonial roman fou (J. Frame, B. Head) | Study of the postcolonial roman fou in English, namely from New-Zealand (Janet Frame) and from South Africa (Bessie Head) through the tools provided by stylistcs and rhetoric, with a strong attention to the cultural-political-historical contexts evoked by the texts under analysis. |
English and Anglophone Literatures
Stylistics |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Letterature Straniere, Lingue e Linguistica A.A. 2020/2021 - Department Foreign Languages and Literatures |
member | Faculty Board of PhD in Foreign Literatures and Languages - Department Foreign Languages and Literatures |
Teaching Committee for the PhD in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures - Department Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
associate prof. | Teaching Committee for the PhD in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures |
Teaching Committee for Foreign Languages and Literatures - Department Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
full prof. | Consiglio del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere - Department Foreign Languages and Literatures |
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