PhD Scholarships/Borse di Dottorato: Digital Humanties

PhD Scholarships/Borse di Dottorato: Digital Humanties

Appendix to the Call for applications for admission to the PhD programme in Foreign Literatures, Languages and Linguistics, XXXVI cycle, academic year 2020-2021

The three PhD tracks invites applications for projects dedicated to the Digital Humanities in the subject areas investigated by the PhD board members of the three PhD tracks.

Track in Foreign literatures and cultures
The track in Foreign Literatures and Cultures invites applications related to research areas including:
- the use of digital resources and computational tools for analysis, modeling, mark-up according to XML-TEI standards, digital editing of literary texts, in order to create bibliographic Databases, Digital Libraries and Digital Scholarly Editions;
- the use of computational tools and resources for text analysis, stylometrics, automatic recognition of characters (OCR), computer-assisted identification and attribution of textual authorship, computer-assisted processing of textual re-use;
The projects have to be related to literatures in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian from the Middle Ages to Renaissance and to Modern and Contemporary age.

Curriculum in Letterature e culture straniere
Per il curriculum in Letterature e culture straniere i progetti si riferiscano a strumenti informatici applicati a testi letterari e culturali:
- l'uso di risorse digitali e strumenti computazionali per l'analisi, il modeling, il mark-up secondo gli standard XML-TEI, l’edizione critica digitale di testi letterari, al fine di creare archivi e database bibliografici, biblioteche digitali e pubblicare edizioni scientifiche digitali;
- l'uso di strumenti e risorse computazionali per l’analisi del testo, la stilometria, il riconoscimento automatico dei caratteri (OCR), l’identificazione assistita e l’attribuzione della paternità testuale, l’elaborazione computerizzata del ri-uso testuale;
Gli strumenti si intendono applicati a una delle seguenti aree di ricerca: Letterature in lingua inglese, francese, spagnola, tedesca, lingue slave dal Medioevo al Rinascimento fino all'età Moderna e Contemporanea.

Track in Modern Languages and Translation
The track in Modern Languages and Translation invites applications on a set of research topics focusing on Digital Humanities, including:
- the use of computational tools for corpus annotation, automatic extraction and analysis of linguistic data;
- the use of computer resources for the organization of linguistic data;
- the use of computational tools and computer resources for the modeling of linguistic phenomena (e.g. phraseological units, neology, simple and complex terminological units etc.);
- the use of statistical, computational and digital tools in language teaching and teacher education.
All these research paths will concern one or more of the following languages: English, French, Spanish and Chinese. Italian is eventually admitted for contrastive studies.

Track in Linguistics
The track in Linguistics invites applications related to the main research interests of the researchers involved (see webpage 'Linguistics in Verona'). These research areas include, among others:
- the use of computational tools and resources for the annotation and analysis of existing dialect corpora (especially of German and Romance dialects);
- the creation of dialect corpora with methods of crowdsourcing;
- the computational modeling of linguistic typologies;
- the quantitative and statistical analysis of linguistic data obtained in experimental settings;
- the use of digital resources in Historical Linguistics and Textual Criticism (especially the digital editing of Germanic Medieval texts according to XML-TEI standards; also projects in Indoeuropean Studies).
Data pubblicazione
sabato 10 marzo 2018 - 15.42.50
ultima modifica
lunedì 20 aprile 2020- 16.13.50
PhD Scholarships/Borse di Dottorato: Digital Humanties
Pubblicato da
Stefan Rabanus
Dottorato in Letterature Straniere, Lingue e Linguistica (ultimo ciclo attivato 36° - a.a. 2020-2021)