Caroline Kleen

photo,  22 marzo 2024
Dottorato in Linguistica - 39° ciclo (1 ottobre 2023 - 30 settembre 2026)
Settore disciplinare
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Dottorato in Linguistica - 39° ciclo (1 ottobre 2023 - 30 settembre 2026)

Programma di ricerca dottorato

The aim of my research project is to identify speaker types (e.g., 'switchers' or 'shifters') in the varieties of Germany. Reasons for this variation can be regional, arise from the individual assessment of a (linguistic) situation or the speaker's age. We use recordings of the REDE-Corpus to consider regional and within-speaker variation, and we will add sociolinguistic data to develop predictive models of speaker variation behaviour. The results could provide information about the strategic use of language, i.e. when speakers want to build closeness or distance to the other person.

The working title of my PhD studies: 'Dynamik vertikaler Sprachvariation'

Project supervisor: Prof. Alfred Lameli (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
IDT-supervisor: Prof. Stefan Rabanus (Università degli Studi di Verona)


I am currently enrolled in the Linguistics PhD program at the Philipps-University of Marburg (Germany) with a cotutelle agreement (IDT in Linguistics) with the University of Verona. During March-May 2024, October-November 2024 and April-May 2025 I will be located at the University of Verona. 

My research interests are: German dialectology, sociophonetics, acoustics and speech perception.


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