Russian language and linguistics

The section of Russian language and linguistics deals with the study of the Russian language from theoretical and applied perspectives, with a particular focus on the fields of Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning and Teaching, Sociolinguistics, and Translation Studies. Research interests mainly focus on the acquisition and teaching of morpho-syntactic and pragmatic competences in Russian FL, the study of inclusive and accessible teaching practices and the design of online and blended language courses, the status of the Russian language in the post-soviet area, the analysis of inquiries from translation theory - in particular with reference to intercultural communication and linguistic anthropology, and issues connected to cognitive linguistics, such as metaphor and processing. The abovementioned fields are investigated from a varieties of perspectives, with the methodologies pertaining SLA, pragmalinguistics, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, translation theories, and cognitive linguistics. The approaches include both theoretical investigation and analysis of data from corpora as well as data collected in teaching experiments, fieldwork, and elicitation tasks.
Daniele Artoni
Temporary Assistant Professor
Manuel Boschiero
Associate Professor
Giorgia Pomarolli
Temporary Assistant Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Lingua e linguistica russa standard compliant  BSO
Teaching and learning pragmatic competences in Russian FL Daniele Artoni
Analysis of the development of pragmatics among learners of Russian FL; teaching experiments on the teachability of pragmatics in Russian FL; multimodal corpora in pragmatic teaching practices; the speech act of request in the interlanguage of learners of Russian FL with a variety of L1 backgrounds
Accessible and inclusive teaching of Russian FL Daniele Artoni
Manuel Boschiero
Giorgia Pomarolli
Study of theory of language teaching, creation of an accessible course for visually impaired students, accessible and inclusive teaching practices, analysis of technological tools that improve accessibility in language teaching
The status of Russian in the post-soviet area Daniele Artoni
Analysis of the language policy in the post-soviet countries; collection and analysis of surveys and interviews on sociolinguistic aspects; development of sociolinguistic interpretative models
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
GIAM Il gruppo di ricerca interdisciplinare (L-LIN/21 Slavistica, L-LIN/02 Didattica delle lingue moderne, L-LIN/12 Lingua inglese) si propone di realizzare e testare un modello di insegnamento delle lingue straniere in ambito universitario, con particolare riferimento al russo e all’inglese. Nello specifico, si prevede la definizione e la sperimentazione di un modello combinato di strategie, modalità e strumenti didattici, attraverso l’utilizzo di tecnologie innovative che facilitano l’inclusione nel quadro di un approccio didattico blended. Tale modello sarà in grado di rispondere all’istanza sempre più urgente di creare percorsi didattici inclusivi, al fine di promuovere e supportare la piena ed equa partecipazione di ciascuno studente al processo educativo.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Verso una Glottodidattica Inclusiva e Accessibile: un Modello di insegnamento efficace e applicabile (GIAM) Serena Dal Maso, Sharon Hartle, Manuel Boschiero 3/1/22 12
Il Corpus Parallelo russo-italiano come strumento per la didattica dei pronomi indefiniti russi Stefano Aloe 3/1/20 12
Edizione critica dell'opera "Ivan Susanin" di Cavos-Šachovskoj Anna Giust FURGIUST - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 9/1/19 36
Per una didattica accessibile e inclusiva della lingua russa. Uno studio sperimentale Manuel Boschiero, Daniele Artoni, Giorgia Pomarolli 9/1/19 18
La cultura pietrificata: Il culto del monumento nella cultura russa contemporanea Stefano Aloe 4/25/18 24
Un Atlante del Rinascimento nei Paesi Slavi – Atlas of the Renaissance in the Slavic Countries Giovanna Siedina G. Siedina Fondo ex-60% - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 11/1/15 36
Language and Politics Giovanna Siedina FONDO EX 60% - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 2/1/15 36


Research facilities
