Spanish II (2008/2009)

Course not running

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
Lezioni 4 L-LIN/07-LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH II semestre Renzo Miotti
Competenza linguistica B2 4 L-LIN/07-LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH II semestre Renzo Miotti

Learning outcomes

Module: Competenza linguistica B2
B2 Vantage

Module: Lezioni
An introduction to Spanish phonetics and phonology


Module: Competenza linguistica B2

Module: Lezioni
The course, after concisely presenting some basic sociolinguistic concepts, intends to outline the phonetic and phonological systems of contemporary standard Spanish. The fundamental concepts of Spanish phonetics, exemplified in detail with transcriptions, as well as those elements emerging from a contrastive analysis between the Italian and the Spanish systems, will be examined.
“Las variedades de la lengua. Tema 4. Variedades dialectales del castellano”, in Rodríguez Puértolas, J. (2000, ed.) Lengua castellana y literatura. 2° de bachillerato. Madrid: Akal, pp. 200-214.
- Lope Blanch, J. M. (1972) “El concepto de prestigio y la norma lingüística del español”, Anuario de Letras, 10, pp. 29-46.
- Lope Blanch, J. M. (2001) “La norma lingüística hispánica” in II Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española, Valladolid (
- Hernández Alonso, C. (2001) “¿Qué norma enseñar?”, in II Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española, Valladolid (
- Quilis, A. (1997) Principios de fonología y fonética españolas. Madrid: Arco Libros.
- Canepari, L. (19992) Il MaPI. Manuale di Pronuncia Italiana. Bologna: Zanichelli (alcune parti, che verranno indicate a lezione).
- Lipski, J. M. (1994) El español de América. Madrid: Cátedra.

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: Competenza linguistica B2

Module: Lezioni
Assessment will be by oral exam.

Level 3 (ALTE), B2 (Council of Europe).
