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The course offers an approach to theories and sources for the Germanic cultural complex (as result of earliest encounters of the barbarian societies of the North with classical antiquity and early Christianity). Through the readings of selected texts, it brings together linguistic evidence from across Germanic Europe, to shed light on important aspects of Germanic culture (mainly on their embodiments in Old English and Old German literary production). The course aims to show how philological textual analysis can provide conspicuous clues for history of society and literature.
I: Parte generale (3CFU, 18 h)
Antichità germaniche; elementi di linguistica germanica; storia delle tradizioni manoscritte delle letterature germaniche antiche; il recupero storico del testo: metodologie e applicazioni cartacee e digitali.
- A. Cipolla, Lezioni di filologia germanica: metodo, fonti, applicazioni,
oral exam
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