My PhD project is connected to the representation and valorization in digital environment of the Spanish-Italian lexicographical heritage and, in particular, it aims at the digitization of the Vocabolario italiano e Spagnuolo, by Lorenzo Franciosini (1620). This project is developed in the field of Digital Humanities through the recovery and digitization of this emblematic text of the Italian-Spanish bilingual historiography, with the aim of making it available in open access. The work is thought to be articulated in 3 phases: the first one consists of a historiographic and catalographic study of the dictionary and a detailed analysis of the paratext; it is followed by the digitization of the work, to finish with its digitization, through the use of HTR systems.
Tutor: Prof. Matteo De Beni, Università degli Studi di Verona
Co-tutor: Prof.ssa Margarita Freixas Alás, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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MyUnivrDi seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Title | Starting date |
A new digital space for the lessicographical heritage: The “Tesoro digitale della lessicografia bilingue spagnolo-italiano” (Research unit: UniVr) | 10/5/23 |
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