German language and linguistics

The German language and linguistics group focuses mainly on the linguistic description of contemporary standard German and some of its varieties (both dialectal and minority) spoken in northern Italy. Linguistic research is centred on all levels of analysis, phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary, its general purpose being a theory of linguistic contact in the area of investigation (especially Germanic novels) as well as the search for common linguistic phenomena in European languages from a semantic and typological perspective. The theoretical approaches used in the various levels of investigation range from theoretical linguistics, especially generative grammar and the grammar of predicates, to pragmatic communication, argumentation theory, second language studies and translation studies. Different methodologies are employed to deal with such research, including data collection through questionnaires to speakers, the construction of databases with the information collected, the elaboration of formal theoretical frameworks of linguistic contact, and word classification
Birgit Alber
Professor from another university
Sabrina Bertollo
Temporary Assistant Professor
Sibilla Cantarini
Associate Professor
Andrea Padovan
Associate Professor
Stefan Rabanus
Full Professor
Alessandra Tomaselli
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Acquisition of German - Spracherwerb / Spracherlernung (des Deutschen) standard compliant  BSO
Acquisition of German Sabrina Bertollo
Sibilla Cantarini
Alessandra Tomaselli
Acquisition of German as a second language for Romance speakers. Linguistics and L2 acquisition. Teaching and learning German as a foreign language
Contemporary German - Gegenwartsdeutsch standard compliant  BSO
Tecniche della traduzione Sibilla Cantarini
Elementi espletivi ed usi attenuati nel processo traduttivo dall'italiano al tedesco (S. Cantarini).
Conversation Analysis - Gesprächsanalyse standard compliant  BSO
Conversation analysis/Dialogue analysis Sibilla Cantarini
Main categories of dialogue analysis. Implicit and indirect communication strategies. Attenuated and expletive negation in interrogative Italian and German constructions
Dialectology - Dialektologie standard compliant  BSO
Dialectology/Geolinguistics Andrea Padovan
Stefan Rabanus
Alessandra Tomaselli
Theory and methodology in dialectology. Language mapping. Morphological systems of the German dialects. German-language island in Northern Italy. Microvariation
Discourse Analysis and Text Linguistics – Diskursanalyse und Textlinguist standard compliant  BSO
Discourse Analysis Sibilla Cantarini
Theory of argumentation
Germanic Grammar and Syntax – Grammatik und Syntax standard compliant  BSO
Language contact Andrea Padovan
Stefan Rabanus
Alessandra Tomaselli
Theory of language contact in Northern Italy: (morpho-)syntactic, phonological and lexical phenomena in language contact situations. Focus on Germanic (Standard German, German dialects, German minority languages), Romance (Standard Italian, Northern Italian dialects, Ladin) and Slavic (Slovenians dialects).
Syntax/Morphology Sabrina Bertollo
Sibilla Cantarini
Andrea Padovan
Stefan Rabanus
Alessandra Tomaselli
Synchronic and diachronic aspects of German syntax (V2; syntactic features of pronominal elements; complementation). Morphosyntax of prefix verbs in German. Comparative syntax of the German dialects and the Germanic languages from the generative perspective. Inflectional morphology with special emphasis on language change. Predicative roots and their syntax. The syntax of adverbial clauses
German language - Teaching methods standard compliant  BSO
Teaching methods Sabrina Bertollo
Sibilla Cantarini
Alessandra Tomaselli
Interaction between grammatical theory and foreign language teaching, with special focus on the so-called "Felderanalyse". Language description in terms of object classes and foreign language teaching. Partes orationis and foreign language teaching. The benefits of linguistic awareness and crosslinguistic comparison in foreign language learning. Plural and multimodal approaches to multilingual competence development
Language Change, Language Planning, Language Policies – Sprachwandel, Sprachplanung, Sprachpolitik standard compliant  BSO
Language change Andrea Padovan
Stefan Rabanus
Alessandra Tomaselli
Principles of language change
Lexico-grammar – Lexikalische Grammatik standard compliant  BSO
Grammar of Predicates Sibilla Cantarini
German Constructions with functional or support verb and Italian constructions with support verb. Syntax and semantics of German and Italian nominal predicates. German conjunctive phrases in a comparative perspective with Italian and French. Forms of expression of cause and purpose in German and in a comparative perspective with Italian and French
Phonetics and Phonology – Phonetik und Phonologie standard compliant  BSO
Theoretical models in phonology Birgit Alber
Theoretical models in phonology (esp. Optimality Theory) and their application to the analysis of linguistic typologies
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Alpilink: German-Romance Language Contact in the Italian Alps: documentation, explanation, participation Stefan Rabanus MIUR - PRIN 6/1/22 36
VinKo - Varietäten im Kontakt/Varietà in Contatto/Varieties in Contact Stefan Rabanus MIUR 1/1/19 48
Progetto di eccellenza: Le Digital Humanities applicate alle lingue e letterature straniere Paolo Frassi MIUR 1/1/18 60
Contrastive grammar of family names Stefan Rabanus FONDO EX 60% - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 11/1/15 36
U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, "What is an Attic tragedy?" Lisanna Calvi, Stefan Rabanus, Gherardo Ugolini FUR - Calvi - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/15 12
Contrastive grammar German-Armenian Stefan Rabanus FONDO EX 60% - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 9/1/14 60
Germanic-Romance language contact in the Southern-Central Alps Alessandra Tomaselli 3/1/14 60
Language Evolution and Language Decay: the notion of Protolanguage in the generative grammar perspective Alessandra Tomaselli Language Evolution and Language Decay - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/12 36
Negation in Italian and German Sibilla Cantarini Fondi ex 60% Cantarini - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/12 24
Studio comparativo delle forme di espressione della finalità in tedesco, francese e italiano Sibilla Cantarini Fondi ex 60% Cantarini - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/12 36
Il Cimbro come laboratorio di analisi per la variazione linguistica in sincronia e diacronia - Proposte per l'implementazione dell'ASIS (Atlante Sintattico dell'Italia Settentrionale) Alessandra Tomaselli 5/5/09 36
Ricerche nel campo dei predicati nominali di evento del tedesco e della relativa combinatoria con applicazioni di analisi contrastiva. Sibilla Cantarini 11/2/06 24
Linee di sviluppo diacronico in un contesto di isola linguistica: Cimbro e Sappadino a confronto (continuazione) Alessandra Tomaselli Fondo EX 60% (2005) Linee di sviluppo diacronico in un contesto di isola linguistica: Cimbro e Sappadino a confronto (continuazione, anno 2005) - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 10/1/05 36
Linee di sviluppo diacronico in un contesto di isola linguistica: Cimbro e Sappadino a confronto Alessandra Tomaselli Fondo EX 60% (2004) Linee di sviluppo diacronico in un contesto di isola linguistica: Cimbro e Sappadino a confronto - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 10/1/04 24
COFIN 2001-2003 (Coordinatore Nazionale: Prof. Claudio Marazzini). Titolo specifico dell'unità di ricerca di Verona: "La rilevanza della Felderanalyse come interfaccia fra grammatica teorica e grammatica normativa nelle grammatiche del tedesco". Alessandra Tomaselli Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca 3/26/01 24
Per una storia della grammatica in Italia e in Europa: La rilevanza della "Felderanalyse" come interfaccia fra grammatica teorica e grammatica normativa nelle grammatiche del tedesco Alessandra Tomaselli Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca 1/1/01 36
Le isole linguistiche come esempio di variazione sintattica rispetto allo standard: il caso del cimbro. (1998) Giorgio Graffi Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca 1/1/98 24


Research facilities
