Law and Literature in Diaspora Studies

Starting date
January 23, 2013
Duration (months)
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Managers or local contacts
Carpi Daniela
Legal studies, diaspora studies, literature, philosophy

Today’s globalised world is shaped in an unprecedented manner by international migration. Large numbers of individuals and often entire groups or even nations are on the move for a wide variety of reasons. This phenomenon creates massive challenges to nation states and civil societies, culturally, economically, politically, and not least in the realm of jurisdiction. However, it also creates opportunities and new perspectives. Widespread awareness of this challenge has contributed to research in the humanities and social sciences, with ‘diaspora studies’ evolving as an interdisciplinary and even transdisciplinary field of study over the past years. Scholars in the field have begun to develop a set of methodological tools for describing and analysing encounters between various cultural spheres, both on the level of material culture and in a more abstract, conceptual realm. This emerging methodology shares its interest in cross-fertilization between cultural domains with another burgeoning field, the interdisciplinary study of the relations between law and literature. IMPORTO PREVISTO RELATIVO ALLE MISSIONI Daniela Carpi (Fur Daniela Carpi) 1000 euro Chiara Battisti (Fur Chiara Battisti)1000 euro Sidia Fiorato (Fur Sidia Fiorato)650 euro

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