The first phase of work consists in identifying and researching manuscripts and texts regarding the veronese translators.
The translators who was born or worked in Verona will be the privileged objects of study. The research will be focussed on the translations from Greek and Latin in to Italian, and from Greek and Italian in to Latin, not excluding the translation in to Italian of texts, that belong to the most important foreign literature. Particular attention will be paid to the translations in to other languages of works written by veronese authors.
An important part of the research will take place in the archive and in the libraries of Verona (especially the Archivio di Stato, the Biblioteca Civica, the Biblioteca Capitolare. The research will be partially extended to other countries in order to examine the fortune of the veronese writers.
In this step it is very important to acquire reproductions (microfilms, xerograms and computerisations) and to make a catalogue of all the acquired texts.
Secondly a selective transcription of the collected material will be carried out following the most well grounded philological criteria. This phase will take all the researchers long time since it represents one of the most difficult step of the research. Then the transcribed texts will be analysed and studied considering the literary, historical and cultural context of the 18th century.
The most interesting texts, which have not been deeply analysed so far, will be published among scientific works, which can also have a monographic aspect (critical and commented editions with the necessary apparatus).
A part of the research deals with some important scholars in the cultural scene of Verona between the 15th and the 19th century, who not only translated texts, but also wrote works that had great success abroad, among these Antonio Beccari, Girolamo Fracastoro, Scipione Maffei and Ippolito Pindemonte.
At the same time a digital catalogue of the of the translators and of the translated works will be prepared for the Verona University site and will be at the scholars’ disposal. The texts of the most important translations or the texts not easily available, will be digitalized and made available to the scientific community on the web of the university of Verona.