Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures

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Course curriculum: training activities divided by year of enrollment
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
12  B
Discipline delle letterature straniere- primo anno (due lingue a scelta per tre anni):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English Literature I (L-LIN/10) 6 2007/2008
French Literature I (L-LIN/03) 6 2007/2008
German Literature I (L-LIN/13) 6 2007/2008
Russian Literature I (L-LIN/21) 6 2007/2008
Spanish Literature I (L-LIN/05) 6 2007/2008
16  B
Discipline delle lingue e traduzioni - primo anno (due a scelta per tre anni):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English I (L-LIN/12) 8 2007/2008
French I (L-LIN/04) 8 2007/2008
German I (L-LIN/14) 8 2007/2008
Russian I (L-LIN/21) 8 2007/2008
Spanish I (L-LIN/07) 8 2007/2008
Un insegnamento a scelta tra le seguenti discipline di base attinenti alla linguistica:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
General Linguistics (L-LIN/01) [Cognomi A-K]
[Cognomi L-Z]
6 2007/2008
Glottology (L-LIN/01) 6 2007/2008
Un insegnamento tra le discipline storiche affini - primo anno:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Contemporary History (M-STO/04) 6 2007/2008
Modern History (M-STO/02) 6 2007/2008
C Storia dell'arte moderna - History of Modern Art (L-ART/02) 2007/2008
A Letteratura italiana - Italian Literature (L-FIL-LET/10) 2007/2008
C Geografia - Geography (M-GGR/01) 2007/2008
12  B
Discipline delle letterature straniere - secondo anno:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English Literature II (L-LIN/10) 6 2008/2009
French Literature II (L-LIN/03) 6 2008/2009
German Literature II (L-LIN/13) 6 2008/2009
Russian Literature II (L-LIN/21) 6 2008/2009
Spanish Literature II (L-LIN/05) 6 2008/2009
16  B
Discipline delle lingue e traduzioni - secondo anno (due a scelta per tre anni):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English II (L-LIN/12) 8 2008/2009
French II (L-LIN/04) 8 2008/2009
German II (L-LIN/14) 8 2008/2009
Russian II (L-LIN/21) 8 2008/2009
Spanish II (L-LIN/07) 8 2008/2009
Un insegnamento a scelta tra le materie d'area - secondo anno:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Anglo-American Language and Literature (L-LIN/11) 6 2008/2009
Austrian Literature (L-LIN/13) 6 2008/2009
French Literature (L-LIN/03) 6 2008/2009
Hispano-American Language and Literature (L-LIN/06) 6 2008/2009
History of the Russian language (L-LIN/21) 6 2008/2009
Literature of English-speaking Countries (L-LIN/10) 6 2008/2009
Un insegnamento delle discipline filosofiche affini:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Aesthetics (M-FIL/04) 6 2008/2009
History of Philosophy (M-FIL/06) 6 2008/2009
2. Un insegnamento tra le disc. filologiche attinenti alle lingue e letterature straniere:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Germanic Philology (L-FIL-LET/15) 6 2008/2009
Romance Philology (L-FIL-LET/09) 6 2008/2009
Slavic Philology (L-LIN/21) 6 2008/2009
A Filologia italiana - Italian Philology (L-FIL-LET/13) 2008/2009
F Informatica - Information Technology (-)
[II semestre]
[I semestre]
F Informatica applicata - Applied Information Technology (-) 2008/2009
A Letterature comparate I - Comparative Literature I (L-FIL-LET/14) 2008/2009
12  B
Discipline delle lingue e traduzioni - terzo anno (due a scelta per tre anni):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English III (L-LIN/12) 6 2009/2010
French III (L-LIN/04) 6 2009/2010
German III (L-LIN/14) 6 2009/2010
Russian III (L-LIN/21) 6 2009/2010
Spanish III (L-LIN/07) 6 2009/2010
12  B
Discipline delle letterature straniere - terzo anno:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English Literature III (L-LIN/10) 6 2009/2010
French Literature III (L-LIN/03) 6 2009/2010
German Literature III (L-LIN/13) 6 2009/2010
Russian Literature III (L-LIN/21) 6 2009/2010
Spanish Literature III (L-LIN/05) 6 2009/2010
3. Un insegnamento tra le disc. filologiche attinenti alle lingue e letterature straniere (diverso da quello scelto al II anno). La seconda annualità è prevista solo per filologia romanza o germanica nel caso in cui lo studente abbia scelto due lingue germaniche o due lingue romanze::
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Germanic Philology (L-FIL-LET/15) 6 2009/2010
Germanic Philology (2nd year) (L-FIL-LET/15) 6 2009/2010
Romance Philology (L-FIL-LET/09) 6 2009/2010
Romance Philology (2nd year) (L-FIL-LET/09) 6 2009/2010
Slavic Philology (L-LIN/21) 6 2009/2010
A Letterature comparate II - Comparative Literature II (L-FIL-LET/14) 2009/2010
F Terza lingua straniera - Third foreign language (-) 2009/2010
D A scelta dello studente - Students free choice activities (art. 10, par. 1, letter D, m.D. 509/99) (-) 2009/2010
E Prova finale - Final exam (-) 2009/2010

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities

DActivities to be chosen by the student
EFinal examination
FOther activitites

SPlacements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Per informazioni complete su obiettivi e sbocchi professionali, consulta la Scheda Unica Annuale "SUA-CdS" sul sito Universitaly.
