This programme is aimed at students with a Bachelor degree looking to enter the job market, and for those already working in the field who wish to obtain a qualification in translating literary and theatrical texts. As such, lectures will cover the literary text theories, semiotics of theatre, history of theatre (in four language areas: French, English, Spanish and German) and finally translation theory regarding literary texts and theatrical texts for publishing and theatre. This phase serves as an introduction to give students prerequisite theoretical knowledge before then moving on to translation itself. In particular, the programme will run two types of workshops: 1) A workshop on editorial consulting, where students will meet experts who work with or for publishers, to discuss problems concerning the creation and management of translated literary text series (e.g. type, market, etc). 2) A workshop putting students in touch with various people involved in the organisational and managerial aspects of theatre, as well as those involved the show itself (e.g. directors, actors and technicians). The course will conclude with an internship in a theatre company, a publishing house specialised in translated texts or a local authority arts and entertainment department.