Graduated in Spanish and English Philology (2013-2018), as well as specialized through the Master's Degree in Teaching (2018-2019) and the Master's Degree in Literature, Culture and Diversity (2019-2020) at the Universidade da Coruña (Spain). He is currently enrolled in the Programma di Dottorato di Ricerca of the Università di Verona (call no. XXXVII, 2020-2023) where he investigates the reciprocity between Castilian books of chivalry and the Old Regime's press under the creation of a digital database called "Amadis Ludens". Especially interested in various thematic areas such as the Golden Age (press, authors, publishing), Theory and Criticism of literature, Comparative Literature, theater studies, and pedagogy and didactics of literature in secondary and university. In addition, with the rise of the Digital Humanities, he is studying and seeking to specialize in areas dedicated to OCR, digital publishing and databases, among others.
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