The Latin heritage and its impact on the development of identities in the lands of the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Data inizio
16 novembre 2012
Durata (mesi) 
Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Siedina Giovanna
Parole chiave
Identity, Neo-Latin literature, Rzcez Pospolita

The impact of the Latin heritage on the development of identities in the lands of the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the period 16th-18th centuries can hardly be overestimated. Latin language and literature had an important role in the moulding of national literatureas and language throughout Europe, as well as in education.

Partecipanti al progetto

Collaboratori esterni

Valentyna Myronova
Università di Kiev "Taras Shevchenko" (Ucraina)
Zhanna Nekrashevich-Karotkaja
Università Statale di Minsk (Bielorussia)
Wojciech Mikołajczak
Universitet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań (Polonia)


