17th Conference on Legal Translation and Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics (#LegTICL22)

  dal 14/11/22 al 15/11/22

The 17th Conference on Legal Translation and Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics (#LegTICL22) will take place on Zoom on 14-15 November 2022. The event is co-organised by the University of Verona and the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan (Poland). The focus of the conference is on digital humanities (e.g., statistics, data mining, data visualisation, software programmes, digital databases, corpora, etc.) and legal language. Speakers will exemplify how the use of digital humanities contributes to their research in any of the areas whereby language and law intersect.

Keynote speakers: Jan Engberg (Aarhus University, Denmark), Deborah Cao (Griffith University, Australia), Rui Sousa-Silva (University of Porto, Portugal)

Organising committee: Michele Mannoni (he/him), Aleksandra Matulewska, Paula Trzaskawka

Contact person for the organisation: Michele Mannoni (he/him) michele.mannoni[at]univr.it


